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Monday, October 22, 2012

I Double-Dog Dare You! Colossians, Week 1 - Monday

First, I'd like to preface this post by saying this: if you don't have a certain time that you spend with God then get one! I don't know about you but if I am hungry I am cranky and I do not react to situations very well at all! It is the same way for us spiritually, if I have my spiritual breakfast in the mornings then I'm fueled and ready to go for the day, but it is very evident when I don't because my reactions to people and situations are different. That is just a free little tid-bit for you!

Our staff starting reading the book Greater by Steven Furtick. So far it is fabulous. It's a challenge to God's children to change our mindset form thinking about and dreaming about becoming the greatest, because most of the time we get discouraged by that thought anyway. Instead we need to understand that allowing God to work through us everyday in all the small things that we do, then we can do greatER things! I love this thought. Although this made me uneasy at first, I soon came to the understanding that there will always be a "greater" to achieve.

Just like in our Colossians study, I am challenged to do better and be better. Today is the first day of scripture study and our passage was Colossians 1:1-4
[1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother,
2 To God’s holy people in Colossae, the faithful brothers and sisters in Christ:
Grace and peace to you from God our Father.

Thanksgiving and Prayer
3 We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, 4 because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people—]

The first thing I noticed was the introduction to the letter and how elaborate it is. The second thing I noticed was that Paul was writing to them because he "heard of their faith" and of "the love you have for all God's people". It made me think, who has thanked God because they heard of my faith and love? What has my faith and love produced to get people even talking about it?

Do you remember growing up and on the playground someone could dare you to do something, and you just HAD to do it, they DARED you! Then you always had the kid who would Double-Dog Dare you. There was no backing down out of that one! That is what I sensed God was saying to me through this, "I double-dog dare you to live in such a radical obedience to me that it is undeniable to the people around you." I was taken back for a moment. My thoughts were "come on God I obey you, I don't do a lot of things", but it was like He was telling me it's not what I don't do or shouldn't do, it's the things that I should be doing. It's even the little things, self-control to not allow my attitude to get the best of me (and it seems like that was the first thing that was tested this morning too), or not to over indulge in gluttony.

You see we Christians have a tendency to say this sin is greater or worse than that sin. Or it's okay if we over eat but not okay if we drink or get drunk. When in reality both are equally wrong, and who are we to judge a sin as being worse than another?! Sometimes I think we don't realize the audacity we take hold of and act upon.

I believe God is double-dog daring us to quit focussing EVERYTHING on what we can't do and what we shouldn't do, and start doing some of the things He has called us to do. Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying to forget or ignore the things we really shouldn't be doing, God has given us His word to show us and tell us the things in our life that we should not do because they are harmful to us or others. I do however, believe in balance and that some of our focus should also be on the things that we are called to do. If His church is a church that ONLY focusses on what not to do, than we become a church that does nothing, but if we can put some of that focus on the things He is calling us to do, than we become a church of doers. The challenge is right in front of us, will we do nothing or will we do something?!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

P.S. If you are wanting to get in on our GMG Colossians study it is not too late! Leave me your email and I can send it to you. I am working on getting it posted on here for you!

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