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Thursday, March 14, 2013

An Open Book

Today you are getting a look inside my prayer journal.... An Open Book
I find myself just so full of questions and wonder. God has been showing me a side of him that I've never seen like this. He has been showing me grace and love and giving. This isn't a new character of God, this isn't even a character that I was unaware of. It is simply a new depth.

It seems as though I cannot get enough of God. I cannot understand enough of his grace and his love. The legalistic side of things I can understand. My brain can comprehend do this and don't do that. I would never ever be able to live according to the law in such strictness and harshness. No one could that is why Jesus came, but I could understand it. What my brain cannot process fully is grace or love. Not grace and love as we know it, not how we use and feel toward others, but GOD'S GRACE, GOD'S LOVE.

I am at a point in my faith and my relationship with God, my faith, that I know and am at peace with the fact that I will never ever fully understand these things. That is what faith is, the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen. (Hebrews 11:1 NKJ) Side note: substance is defined as the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists and which has a tangible, solid presence. Evidence is defined as the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. Just so everyone can understand this, you have something that you only hoped for and there are facts for things that you cannot see! This is faith. This is why it is so hard to answer the questions about faith that are "well if this happened then what about that?" or "If they do this then they should get that in return..." Faith doesn't work like that. It is like the wind, you can feel it and see the effects of it (swaying trees, tumbling leaves, ripples on the water) but you cannot see the wind itself.

So my heart cries out because I want to be better at living in that balance of the higher calling of living Holy and the grace of knowing I will never be able to fully live a Holy life. My heart also cries for those who are far away, who don't know God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. For those who do not have a relationship with God, who simply try to live under the law and follow all of the rules but inside their heart is cold and calloused. My heart aches for those who use God's grace as an excuse to do whatever they want whenever they want simply saying "I don't feel convicted of this or about that." or well all I have to do is ask God to forgive me."

God I just pray right now that your spirit will be accepted by people all around the world. People right here in my hometown in southeastern Oklahoma, by the family members I have. I pray this over every portion and spec of your earth. You have already poured out your spirit, and made the Holy Spirit available to us. I simply pray an acceptance of your gift! I pray that your passion and love will consume people and we will see an awakening of your children. Your children rising up to follow after the dreams and visions you have placed in them and called them to! I pray for your anointing! God use us! Use me!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Monday, March 11, 2013

Awakening/An Open Book: Let's Make History!

It is so hard to put into words what all is going on inside of me. God is stirring up something that is so excellent and out of the norm in people in this area for people in this area!

I live in a very divided area. My community struggles when it comes to uniting for something. There have been times of tragedy that my community has faced and the people have come together, but that's it. It is only when tragedy strikes and even though I am thankful that in that moment we do pull together, it is so frustrating that it takes something that bad to bring us together.

Do you remember the new thing scripture from the post Awakening: Something new!? Well, it's starting! God has already began to set it into motion. Here is this area he has brought people from all over to move and live here and he has started stirring up things in people who are natives to this area. It is all about a sense of community and unity! Giving back and pouring into our community! Being givers and servants, not consumers! This is only the beginning. There are people expressing their dreams and visions to see these types of changes in our community. Now we get to start looking for the how's, how will we achieve these goals, how can we make this happen...

I don't know what the New Thing looks like for where you are. Each part of the globe is different from each other, just as each part of the body of Christ is different. But today I want you to be encouraged. If God is stirring up something inside of you to do or say or anything, DO IT!! Recently I heard a pastor speak and he said this, "If the dream does't make sense, it just might make history!"

So let's make history!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford