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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Get Your Strong Confidence!!

I'm not sure if you've heard or not so I'll briefly catch you up. Zondervan, a huge Christian publishing agency has sold their publishing rights of the Bible to another company. This company has been known for publishing satanist books along with other books that, in a very straight forward manner, go against things the Bible teaches us.

That's not all. Since this has happened they have already removed several verses of scripture and taken out many, many words all together.

When I found out about this I was blown away. Questions like how in the world could they do that? Why?!

Tonight there have been many times that I have woken up thinking this was all a dream. It's not. My heart is absolutely broken!! How can anyone take away from the Word of God?!?! How can they get away with this?!

This brings about even more talk of The End coming. The wife and mother in me gets so scared. What will my babies be facing when they get older? What if Jesus does come back soon? I have many people who are very dear to me who refuse to believe in God.

Then I found this scripture. "In the fear of the Lord [Yahweh, I Am] there is strong confidence, and His children will have a place of refuge." Proverbs 14:26 NKJV Then there was peace.

Yes, people may be removing words from the bible. Online and on your apps it's already done. Who knows if there is more to come? BUT we still have OUR Bibles, the paper ones that no one can come and erase words. Earlier today someone mentioned how the Nazi's tried to get rid of every religious book. I'm not a huge history buff but that may not have been the first time for something like this to happen either.

I'm in no way shaking this off as an "oh well, what can we do about it?" thing. I am here saying that God is the great and almighty I Am!!! There is none like Him and Satan CANNOT defeat Him!!! God has already won the war!! The Bible is the oldest surviving book in the world. I'm not sold that it can't survive this too.

We as Christians need to take this and move forward boldly sharing what we know is truth. That is God's word, all of it!! Our God is full of grace, compassion and love, and he wants everyone to know about it!! So let those who fear the Lord find strong confidence!! Let us boldly share God's love with the world!!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford