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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Abandonment? Answered!

Alrighty! So here is my discovery on the whole "Abandonment?" post that came from Mark, chapter 1. The definition of living in full abandonment of my selfishness for my life wasn't necessarily a tangible thing. Yes, there are times that I have to make choices to do or not do something in order to abandon my selfishness, BUT the majority of the time it is an attitude thing.

When I am doing the natural, routine, daily things that I do, with what attitude am I doing them? Am I complaining? Am I slowing down or putting it off? Am I worshipful? Am I glorifying God? Am I thankful? The list could go on and on!

So here is my little nugget on living a life of abandonment for the Lord: Look at the season of life God has you in and prayerfully decide what it is that God is calling you to do in that season. Then, do whatever it takes! However it takes! You may not have to give up a physical thing, or you may. You may or may not have to give up your time or your attitude. But whatever it takes do that! 

Have a great day!!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford