I am so thankful for Young Living Essential Oils. They have been a huge blessing to my family. I joined Young Living in March 2015. I joined because I was looking for a safer way to scent my home. At that point I had a toddler and an infant. We were candle burners and had wall plug-ins in almost every outlet. I love the scent of lavender and anything that smelled fresh and clean! My toddler had been like any toddler and messed with the plug-ins. If you have had them you know that they can get hot and the wicks can melt and it was just getting a little too dangerous for my liking. Then, one day my toddler pulled a basket off of the table. This basket had a candle in it that had been burning for several hours and it was full of hot wax. It was by the grace of God that he did not get burned! Everything around him was covered in wax, but not a drop got on him. That’s when I decided no more, we have to figure out a safer way to scent our home.
I was also looking into making my own laundry soap and these things called "essential oils" were what scented the soap. I had a friend who had fallen in love with essential oils and she showed me where to get the best oils on the market, and how to get a discount!
After I got my starter kit, I knew I wanted to add lavender to my soap and I was able to get the diffuser going! With lavender of course. I enjoyed not having to burn a hot candle, but I had a few questions. What in the world am I supposed to do with these OTHER oils?! Today, I don’t leave home without them.
Young Living Essential Oils are amazing for:
• supporting a normal immune system
• promoting restful sleep
• balancing the emotions
• easing occasional stress and minor anxiety
I LOVE the 11 Essential Oils that come in the Premium Starter Kit – Lemon Vitality, R.C., Thieves Vitality, Lavender, Stress Away, Purification, Peppermint Vitality, Frankincense, PanAway, DiGize Vitality and Copaiba Vitality! I use these oils on a daily basis.
All about Thieves!
Thieves® essential oil is a powerful combination of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary essential oils for an aromatic blend that fills any space with a rich, spicy aroma. Inspired by the legend of 15th-century French thieves who formulated a special aromatic combination composed of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals used while robbing the dead and dying, Thieves is one of Young Living’s most popular products.
I can’t tell you enough good stuff about this oil blend. This blend is excellent at supporting the immune system as well as cleaning and disinfecting.
You have to know about the Thieves Household Cleaner. It is effective, economical and it is the ONLY cleaner that we use. It is non-toxic and safe to spray directly on my children’s toys. We clean everything from our counters to our floors and everything in between! I love knowing that when I clean with this, germs and nasty things are taken care of and won’t be bothering my family. A bottle of the concentrate lasts us so long! I have two toddler boys, they are messy! It’s $22.00 for a bottle of concentrate and I get 12-14 large spray bottles of cleaner out of it. We love it!
Young Living has so many other Thieves products; laundry soap, dish soap, spray, wipes, mouthwash, foaming hand soap, hand purifier, toothpaste, and more.
Thieves hand purifier and spray go with us everywhere for quick and easy cleaning of our hands and any yucky things we may come into contact with.
Why Did I Choose Young Living Over Every Other Company Out There?

It is so easy to join Young Living to receive wholesale prices. There are NO monthly order requirements or annual fees. Here are some frequently asked questions that may help clarify some things for you..
Young Living Wholesale Member FAQs
Why Should I Become A Wholesale Member?

Great question! This is a fabulous option that provides you 24% off retail price! As you use the oils and you share your testimonials with friends and family, you have the option {zero pressure!} of earning commissions when others join and purchase Young Living oils. Win-win!
Is there a monthly order minimum?
NO. You can just order what you need when you need it.
Are you ABSOLUTELY SURE there are no monthly order requirements?
To retain an active account, you have to place one 50PV minimum order per year. If you miss that deadline, you can reactivate your account by calling Young Living Member Services with a 100PV (point volume) order. Very simple to do. {Their member services are the best I have EVER dealt with!}
What kit do you recommend that I get started with?
I highly recommend one of the amazing Premium Starter Kits {see the graphic below!} because it gets you the most bang for your buck! I’m a bit partial to the Premium Starter Kit with the Home Diffuser or the Dewdrop Diffuser {11 bottles of oil!} because it’s what I started with, but the Thieves and NingXia Red kits are also a wonderful way to begin your Young Living journey. If you have questions about the difference between the kits, just shoot me an email!
What exactly comes in the Premium Starter Kit with the 11 essential oils?
- An essential oils collection with 10 of Young Living’s most popular oils {listed at the top of this page.}
- A bonus oil {Stress Away} to bring your collection up to 11
- A diffuser of your choice {Home, Dewdrop, Rainstone, or Aria}
- Essential oil sample sachets
- Essential oil sample bottles
- Essential oil sample sharing cards
- 2 packets of NingXia Red
- 1 roller fitment
I just really want to use oils myself. Do I have to sell Young Living products to be a wholesale member?
NO. There are ZERO obligation to sell oils when you join as an wholesale member. However, if you ever change your mind, you can jump right in. I provide business support and education to help you get your business off the ground should you decide to go that direction. NO pressure.
If someone wants to join Young Living through me, what do I give them?
When you join, you will be assigned your own member number to give to your friends and family who are interested in joining as well.
Is there a way to save even more money?
Yes! Young Living also has monthly promotions and sales which enable you to build up your “oily arsenal” on a budget.
To top it all off Young Living has a rewards program called Essential Rewards, that offers reduced shipping, credit for free oils & more! I love free stuff!
Free Gifts!
I love to provide my new members with wonderful resources on how to use these beautiful oils! When you join Young Living through me and purchase the Premium Starter Kit of your choice, I will send you an email with some great information and a couple of links that will help you get started with the basics. You will also receive a reference book that we call the “oily bible”. This is a great resource that will help you along on your oily journey!
Will you walk me through how to to join Young Living Essential Oils?
YES! Follow the directions below!What kind of support do I get after joining Young Living through you?
This is my favorite part! When you join Young Living through me, you will get access to a secret Facebook group that is a wealth of information. Our oily community is amazing! The Oily Families Facebook page is another amazing place to find inspiration! But my absolute favorite is connecting with you! The initial email I will send you will have my contact information, so feel free to call, text, or email me back! It all goes to my phone!
Step by step instructions on how to join Young Living Essential Oils:
1. Click here to begin the enrollment process. It’s super easy, promise!
2. I highly recommend the Wholesale Membership. There are NO strings attached for being a wholesale member. You aren’t required to order monthly or anything. It is AMAZING!
3. Make doubly sure my member number {26454346} is in both the Sponsor ID and Enroller ID spots. I want to connect with you, support you and help you on your wellness journey!
4. Choose the kit you want. {I highly recommend one of the Premium Starter Kits.} Then proceed to check out. You can skip the Essential Rewards part for now unless you would like to join ER right away.
5. Fill out all the pertinent information. Be sure to include your email address. If you don’t, I have no way to invite you to the Facebook support group and I can’t support you as you begin your journey with essential oils. This support is vital for empowering you to use the oils to the fullest.
6. For the “tax information” slot, your information is safe and secure and only used if you ever share Young Living with a friend or family member. Most will select “individual.” Easy peasy.
7. That’s it! Your oils will be on their way to your doorstep, and I will be in touch soon!!
If you have any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at brennadawnnstanford@gmail.com! If you want to learn even more about the Premium Starter Kit and the oils it contains, click here!
~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford
Young Living Member # 2645436
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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