Welcome everyone!! I have had some people ask me to post a blog for our Essential Oils 101 Class. This will be a Multiple Part Blog. There is so much wonderful information that you need time to read, and re-read, then let it all soak in!
First, let me start off with our disclaimer (yes, I have to do this): I am not a medical professional. The information shared in this class is not intended to treat, cure, or diagnose any illness, nor is it meant to replace professional medical attention or advice. Advice and testimonies are all based on use of Young Living brand of oils specifically. Use and application of this information is done solely at your own risk. I believe that when you give the body what the support it needs, then the body can heal itself. I am not an expert. You don’t need to be an expert to make better choices for your health and wellness. It just takes some research and experimentation. There are many wonderful reference guides, books and resources available about how to use essential oils. Find them here!
About Young Living:
Young Living is all about VIBRANT health, wellness, self-care and taking charge of our lifestyle and wellness choices.

What makes it special? Young Living’ s Purpose is to "Bring greater wellness and abundance to people all over the world." Young Living takes the stewardship of our planet seriously. Their state-of-the-art production process brings you the purest oils on Earth. Young Living offers a promise of purity from “Seed to Seal.” Young Living is the only company that offers this type of stewardship and purity!
Growth Facts
• In 2014, Young Living launched 21 new products, 13 of which are new essential oils.
• In 2014, their active members and sales more than doubled.
• Young Living essential oils come from over 50 different sources and are all worthy of the “Seed to Seal” distinction.
LEARN MORE: http://seedtoseal.com
What is an Essential Oil?
An essential oil is the volatile oil of a plant, meaning they will evaporate, unlike a fatty oil. Essential oils are extracted from trees, shrubs, flowers and stems and seeds. Sometimes they are called the “life force” of the plant. Essential oils don’t have a shelf life. They last a long, long time.
-The purest, most potent form of an herb.
-EO’s are nothing new. Historically, essential oils are the oldest known form of medicine, dating back to 4500BC.
Properties of Essential Oils - Helpful for supporting ALL body systems like - skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, nervous, respiratory, lymphatic, urinary, reproductive and integumentary body systems - as well as the structures and functions of the body.
How to Use anEssential Oil
**The FDA requires Young Living to label their oils as either dietary and cosmetic. Young Living had to choose the PRIMARY usage for each oil, since they can be used in so many different ways. YL follows the French model of essential oil usage because of the high quality of our essential oils. If in doubt about how to use an oil it’s always great to start with the primary usage on the label and then go from there as you see fit for your family.**
1. AROMATICALLY: When inhaling, it takes 22 seconds for an oil to reach the brain. The only way to reach limbic system is through smell, which is why oils are such a great option for those for those needing emotional support and support for their nervous system.
It’s not rocket science - apply oils to the area where you want to provide support. Some favorite places are wrists, behind the ears, neck, temples, stomach or especially feet.
3. INTERNALLY: In water/drinks, cooking/baking, in capsules etc.
Be sure to use glass or stainless steel when drinking essential oils in water. Citrus oils especially can digest petrochemicals, so it’s important not to use plastic.
That's all for this post!! I will see you at Part 2 to get started on the PSK!!! (Premium Starter Kit)
What questions do you have?? Comment below and I will answer them!!
~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford
Young Living Member # 2645436
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