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Monday, October 3, 2016

Hello Again!! I've Missed You!!

Four years ago this month I introduced myself to you all. At the time I was newly married and had received a dream from the Lord. The reason I started this blog was birthed from that dream. God had given me a message and this was the only way I knew how I could share it at that moment. Over the last four years I have gone through many seasons and many growing pains. This blog reflects those times. In posts to come I am sure you will learn more of them.

Right now I want to share with you why you suddenly see an influx of posts that seemingly have nothing to do with spiritual health and that are all about Young Living. Right now it probably seems that it doesn’t belong here. About two years ago God brought Young Living into my life in such a random manner. I wanted to make laundry soap and the recipes I found used essential oils to scent the soap. I did a little research and right away I saw how strong the opinions were about the importance of pure, therapeutic grade oil. At the time this didn’t mean much to me. I had never been a “green freak”, all I cared about was the fun of making my own and saving some money. Not long after I started looking into them I saw a diffuser at my sister-in- law’s. She called it an “air purifier”, which caught my attention a little. I thought it was cool that it cleaned the air and it smelled good.

Not long after that one of my boys pulled a candle off of the table and it is only God’s protection that kept him from needing to go to the emergency room. There was hot wax EVERYWHERE except on him! That was the moment where I finally decided that we needed to do something different. So I got with my SIL who pointed me to a mutual friend. Between the two of them they got me all set up with oils and a diffuser.

Shortly after that the seasons started changing and I got a cold. Those two started telling my about different things I could use to support my immune system and hopefully kick that cold. After two days I was convinced. I fell in love! I started talking about it and sharing it with other friends! And even people who I had before called “friendlies”  meaning that they were friends on things like Facebook and other social networking platforms.

About a year later I was following some of the social media posts from Young Living’s annual convention. This was the first time I had heard the founders and leaders speak. I was shocked and in awe of how much of God was represented! He was the one getting all of the glory. Others were the ones who was the focus, their well-being, their purpose, their good. The ones leading this company are a true example of Loving God first, loving others second and taking great pride and stewardship over the purpose God has given them! I was blown away. In that moment is when I heard a whisper from God, “If you trust me, I can use this to bless you.”

Now, if you know me, then you know that when God gives me a piece of the puzzle, I try to solve the whole thing! I immediately thought, oh my gosh, he is going to use the business opportunity to financially bless and take care of Awaken! I’m not saying that isn’t going to happen, but I am saying that after a year I can look back and see God’s hand in this is so many ways that go far and beyond finances! I have seen God use these products, which is a pure form of His creation, to do miraculous works in the bodies of His people. I have seen Him use these products to change mindsets. He has used this to bring people into my life that I get to pray for! Some of the people who I have been able to meet and connect with through Young Living are some of the coolest spirit friends I have!

The foundation of Young Living is God. What they stand for and what they want to help everyone achieve is the same goal and vision I have. Although I will admit that I have not always been as aware of physical health, and I still struggle most of the time to stay mindful and pursue physical health and wellness, but Young Living definitely is helping me in this area. I have always been about passion and purpose, about God’s best for your life! So is Young Living! They not only provide you opportunities to discover this but they equip you with tools like brain power, clarity, motivation, abundance, valor and more! (these are all essential oil blends that are formulated to support you in those areas!) 

So, with Jesus, Oils, and Coffee, I have learned to take on each day better equipped. I continue to learn more and more about the Lord. That He cares about every moment of our day and everything that we do. This blog will always have the purpose of God first, others second and ourselves last. We will always share with you ways to grow and learn and love God. Now we are not limiting it to sermon style blogs, but will encompass everyday life.

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Young Living Member # 2645436

Here is some of my story and why I love Young Living

Benefits of essential oils

Start learning about essential oils here!

What does God say?

"There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise." Proverbs 21:20 KJV

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” Thus begins the Gospel of Saint John. The creation story of Genesis begins with the statement: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Following we find God speaking his creation into existence. We find the phrase “and God said” nine times in the first chapter of Genesis.
Word is a vibration, a frequency, a consciousness, an expression of energy. When God created the plants by his speaking voice, he imbued them with his word and his intelligence.”

-Healing Oils of the Bible; Stewart, David, Ph. D; pg. xvii

"It is clear in the Bible that God intended the oils of plants to be used for many purposes. …Food, fuel for light, aromatic, perfume, incense, burial, anointing, emotional release, mental clearing, spiritual upliftment, physical healing, and prevention of disease."
-Healing Oils of the Bible; Stewart, David, Ph. D; pg. xix