I have been reading in the book of Acts, currently I am at the point where Paul is in prison and is going from one man to another to be tried. At the end of chapter 24 Paul is telling Felix about faith in Jesus Christ and about righteousness, self-control and the judgement to come. Verse 25 says that Felix became afraid and made Paul leave. Felix also told Paul "when I find it convenient I will send for you."
These two things stuck out to me, 1. Felix was afraid and 2. It had to be convenient for him.
How many times do we (christians or not) become afraid about something that challenges us or that we don't fully understand. So many times when what we know to be right is challenged by a different way of thinking or a truth that was unknown to us we just shut it down. It is foreign to us and we are comfortable in what we already know.
This leads me to my second point, we're lazy. Our world has created a culture of comfort. I am just as subject to this as anyone else. I enjoy being comfortable. Who doesn't? Felix told Paul that when he found it convenient that he would send for him. How many times have you pushed away something or someone because it challenged your comfort zone? What all have you missed out on at the sake of being comfortable?
Felix was afraid and pushed away the person who had a word for him that could save his soul, his eternity. He was uncomfortable by what he was being told. He was uncomfortable having to examine his self, his heart. Felix missed out.
I do not want you to miss out. When you find yourself becoming afraid or uncomfortable because you're being challenged in any area, please take a moment to look at the truth. Step out of your comfort zone to look at all sides and examine them closely before you choose.
The thing about truth is that it's consistent. It never changes. Let the truth find it's way into your heart. Seek it out. Do not be deceived!
~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford