Today's Journal Entry
So last night I started reading the book of Mark. (that's where last nights entry Supernaturally Beautiful came from) In this first chapter there is so much good stuff going on I could blog about each scripture!! But I won;t do that to ya! You just need to go read it and let it speak to you!I am going to talk to you about something that just shot chills all through me! It's verses 16 - 20. This is where Jesus calls the disciples. The scriptures say that Jesus simply said 'Come, follow me'. Then these men just left everything to follow him. Every other time I've read this portion I've always been amazed at the faith and total abandonment of these men. I still am, but this morning it was something else that stuck out to me. If you notice there was no one else going and telling those men they needed to follow Jesus and here are 20 reasons why. It was Jesus who called them. Just as he calls you and I today.
You see there are people that I know who do not know Jesus. They know of him but are not following him. Where I struggle is that I want to go around telling them that they need to just give in and follow him and here are the reason's why. The scriptures say in John 6:44 (AMP) "No one is able to come to Me unless the Father Who sent Me attracts and draws him and gives him the desire to come to Me, and [then] I will raise him up [from the dead] at the last day."
This was a great reminder for me today and I hope it is for you too!
~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford