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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Beautiful Death

As I'm sitting out back having some quiet time in the word I get distracted by the sound of the water in the pond, the rustling of the leaves in the wind and all the wonderful sound that nature puts together!

I begin to think how beautiful fall is and hows it's my favorite time of the year. Then I wonder why? Outside of the the crazy heat leaving it seems a little morbid, everything is dying. The trees, the grass, the plants. All the animals are leaving.

But oh how beautiful!!!

Then it hit me, God is the only one who can make death beautiful!!! Fall. Everything is dying, but in such beauty!! The only beautiful death I've ever experienced has been those who God is the center of their lives. There's no doubt about their eternity. There's more happiness then sadness in their dying. They've gone HOME!!

Just as the trees, they haven't really died at all. In the spring the trees get a new beginning, a new chance at life. These people get an eternity of life, a much more wonderful life then they could ever dream of having here!!!

Just as in everything there's always an opposite. If there's a heaven, then there must be a hell. Those are the sad funerals, the ones when you aren't positive they're in heaven. You don't know if they had a relationship with the Savior. Please don't let that be you! Romans 10:9 says if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead then you will be saved. The old is gone and the new has come!!

Let your spring start this fall!! Let God make death beautiful in your life!!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Even HE messed up!!

Paul tells a story in Galations 2 of how he rebuked Peter. Now I know that Peter was a very impulsive disciple, but something in this story struck me.

Paul starts by telling of his visit with Peter and a few others and how they decided who would go where and preach to who. Then he jumps up to when Peter came back to Antinoch and he had to "oppose him to his face."

Paul did this because when some "popular" "rich" "cheer captain" "boss's wife" "footbal star" "cool mom" "wealthy person" etc. came Peter started treating the "plain people" "poor" "nerd" "weirdo" "janitor" "working class" etc. like the others did.

Well Paul being Pauls tells him off. When reading this it was almost a sense of relief and hope. Peter messed it up too. AFTER he had already grown so much. He wasn't following around Jesus learning anymore. He was the "preacher". He'd been doing this for a while and teaching others. He still messed it up. His life ends with him being crucified upside down because he refused to die the way Jesus did. Peter did so much in his ministry.

The relief comes because I'm not a failure because I've messed up. The hope comes because I'm still not okay that I do mess up but I kmow just like God forgave and worked in Peter, he forgives and works in me.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Walking with God

I thought I would just share a little something with you. Currently in my life I am learning what it really is to walk with God everyday. As a wife and mother I am learning daily what it is really like to know that in every frustration God is still there. In every mistake God has already given us grace for that. Also how to give grace and love unconditionally.

I want to encourage you, in whatever walk of life you are in. No matter what your circumstances are. God is still in control. Lean on him. Walk with him and allow him to walk with you. There is peace in the midst of every storm. There are answers for your questions, even if it is trust without knowing.

Have a great day!!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Alluring Acceptance

I embarked on a small journey to read the story of Hosea and Gomer before starting a novel that was written about them. So as I began reading the book of Hosea I started to see this beautiful story being painted.

Chapter 2 God begin by saying how terrible "she" (a parallel of Gomer and God's country Israel) was being. How she has had other lovers (gods) and because of that His judgement would come in it's fullness. She would be ridded of everything she had acquired. She would be shown in full vulnerability for what she is and all she has done.

BUT THEN, in verse 14 God begins again "Therefore I am now going to allure [to attract, to fascinate] her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. THERE I will give her back her vineyards, and I will make the valley of Achor a door of hope. THERE she will ding as in the days of her youth, as in the day she came out of Egypt."

I love the absolute unconditional love that is shown here. The first part shows what is deserved of her actions. BUT THEN God intervenes and says that He wants depseratley to allure us, to attract us to him so that when we choose to accept Him and turn away from our other "lovers" whatever it may be that keeps us from God, that He will restore us! That in THAT specific moment, in THAT place,THERE, He will poor out his love and blessings on us.

Vers 16 goes on to say that in that day we will call God "my husband". We will no longer call Him "my master." This shows the love relationship that He desires to have with every single one of us!

So I ask you now, have you accepted God's alluring Spirit?

Roman 10:9 Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Christ is Lord and that God raised him from the grave then you will be saved

Proverbs 24:16 for though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Journal Time

Well as I've posted I've been reading in Mark again just to really soak it in and digest God's word.

So far I'm coming to the conclusion that I am more of Pharisees pie hole than a Jesus follower, or so it feels at times. That's the flesh that I struggle with. I want all of the rules and this set guideline of do's and don't's. I'm comfortable there. I think many of us are.

It is there that we know that we're on point or how far off point. We can measure our "spirituality" on the do-do's guidelines.

BUT what I'm having to learn all over again is that Jesus has already freed us from all of that. All Jesus wants us to do is love him with all of our heart soul and mind!!

When we do that, we end up learning to live in the tension of law and grace that God has called us to.

Go back to that moment when God first freed you. Remember that. Praise him for that. Live free!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Abandonment? Answered!

Alrighty! So here is my discovery on the whole "Abandonment?" post that came from Mark, chapter 1. The definition of living in full abandonment of my selfishness for my life wasn't necessarily a tangible thing. Yes, there are times that I have to make choices to do or not do something in order to abandon my selfishness, BUT the majority of the time it is an attitude thing.

When I am doing the natural, routine, daily things that I do, with what attitude am I doing them? Am I complaining? Am I slowing down or putting it off? Am I worshipful? Am I glorifying God? Am I thankful? The list could go on and on!

So here is my little nugget on living a life of abandonment for the Lord: Look at the season of life God has you in and prayerfully decide what it is that God is calling you to do in that season. Then, do whatever it takes! However it takes! You may not have to give up a physical thing, or you may. You may or may not have to give up your time or your attitude. But whatever it takes do that! 

Have a great day!!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Saturday, September 14, 2013


I shared with you a few weeks ago a couple of things from my study in Mark. I must admit my reading and blogging have taken a backseat in the newness of business that has overtaken my life in the past few months. But I will never give up and will continually work for all that God has placed inside of me and in front of me. At this point in time there seems to be more in front of me than inside of me. So please don't hate the sporadic-ness (not sure if that's even a word) of Awaken Us To Motion. 

Okay off of that side note and back on topic! The book of Mark! This is my favorite book of the gospel (with Luke following close behind!). I had just finished reading it for the first time in about a year. After contemplating what book of the Bible I should dive into next and a couple of discussions with some wise people I decided to re-read Mark. This time I would go through it more slowly and really digest what is being said and compare my life to the word.

There are several beautiful moments right at the very beginning of chapter one. Moments that show God's glory and eternity! Moments that prove God's promises will always be fulfilled! But it wasn't those verses that I had to compare my life with. It was verses 16 - 20 where Jesus calls the four fishermen. In these verses there were a couple of things that stood out to me.

The thing that I had to really stop and look at was in verse 18 & verse 20. The first few words of these verses we "At once" and "Without delay". There is an abandonment that these verses portray. I had to ask myself if I was following Jesus with the same abandonment. The answer? No.

I couldn't think of how I was abandoning my selfishness and what I want during my day-to-day life. So over the next (however long it takes) I will be on this scripture and looking for ways daily to abandon myself so that I can show more Jesus in my life. I invite you to do the same! Join me in this journey and together we can live in abandonment to Christ!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Thursday, September 12, 2013

No Turning Back

"I have decided to follow JesusNo turning back
No turning back
The cross before me
The world behind me
No turning back
No turning back"

A couple of days ago I was in a small worship service and they sang Christ Is Enough by Hillsong. As this song was playing I felt a word come from the Lord. It was like He was making it very clear to me that there is a separation. When we choose to follow Jesus we are different. We are no longer of this world. We are made new. From then on "there's no turning back."

So now that we know that we are set apart ("Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;" Jeremiah 1:5) we can live life set apart. God says in 2 Peter 1:3 that He has given us everything we need to live a godly life.

Now go out there and live set apart! Like there's no turning back!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Journal Entry - Mark 1:25-26

Mark 1:25-26 NIV

25 "Be quiet!" said Jesus sternly. "Come out of him!" 26 The evil spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek.

Thus shows the power of Jesus. His instructions were simple and to the point. Be quiet! Come out of him!

There was no long lengthy speach or prayer. It was simple. We have the very power living in us as Christians.

The next time your facing whatever demons are tormenting your day. Remember the power thar you have in the name of Jesus!!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Fear and Convenience

I have been reading in the book of Acts, currently I am at the point where Paul is in prison and is going from one man to another to be tried. At the end of chapter 24 Paul is telling Felix about faith in Jesus Christ and about righteousness, self-control and the judgement to come. Verse 25 says that Felix became afraid and made Paul leave. Felix also told Paul "when I find it convenient I will send for you."

These two things stuck out to me, 1. Felix was afraid and 2. It had to be convenient for him.

How many times do we (christians or not) become afraid about something that challenges us or that we don't fully understand. So many times when what we know to be right is challenged by a different way of thinking or a truth that was unknown to us we just shut it down. It is foreign to us and we are comfortable in what we already know.

This leads me to my second point, we're lazy. Our world has created a culture of comfort. I am just as subject to this as anyone else. I enjoy being comfortable. Who doesn't? Felix told Paul that when he found it convenient that he would send for him. How many times have you pushed away something or someone because it challenged your comfort zone? What all have you missed out on at the sake of being comfortable?

Felix was afraid and pushed away the person who had a word for him that could save his soul, his eternity. He was uncomfortable by what he was being told. He was uncomfortable having to examine his self, his heart. Felix missed out.

I do not want you to miss out. When you find yourself becoming afraid or uncomfortable because you're being challenged in any area, please take a moment to look at the truth. Step out of your comfort zone to look at all sides and examine them closely before you choose.

The thing about truth is that it's consistent. It never changes. Let the truth find it's way into your heart. Seek it out. Do not be deceived!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Monday, July 8, 2013

Today's Journal Entry

So last night I started reading the book of Mark. (that's where last nights entry Supernaturally Beautiful came from) In this first chapter there is so much good stuff going on I could blog about each scripture!! But I won;t do that to ya! You just need to go read it and let it speak to you!

I am going to talk to you about something that just shot chills all through me! It's  verses 16 - 20. This is where Jesus calls the disciples. The scriptures say that Jesus simply said 'Come, follow me'. Then these men just left everything to follow him. Every other time I've read this portion I've always been amazed at the faith and total abandonment of these men. I still am, but this morning it was something else that stuck out to me. If you notice there was no one else going and telling those men they needed to follow Jesus and here are 20 reasons why. It was Jesus who called them. Just as he calls you and I today.

You see there are people that I know who do not know Jesus. They know of him but are not following him. Where I struggle is that I want to go around telling them that they need to just give in and follow him and here are the reason's why. The scriptures say in John 6:44 (AMP) "No one is able to come to Me unless the Father Who sent Me attracts and draws him and gives him the desire to come to Me, and [then] I will raise him up [from the dead] at the last day." 

This was a great reminder for me today and I hope it is for you too!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Supernaturally Beautiful

A little piece of my journal today!

Mark 1:4-6 MSG

John the Baptizer appeared in the wild, preaching a baptism of life-change that leads to forgiveness of sins. People thronged to him from Judea and Jerusalem and, as they confessed their sins, were baptized by him in the Jordan River into a changed life. John wore a camel-hair habit, tied at the waist with a leather belt. He ate locusts and wild field honey.

This dude wore camel hair and ate bugs! You know he wasn't pretty, with a diet of bugs and honey he was probably looking a little rough. Not to mention back then people were just dirty and John was more than likely abouve average on the dirty scale because he lived in the desert. Yet, people were still drawn to him... Why?

John had a beauty that was more powerfuk than any other! He was supernaturally beautiful. He had the Holy Spirit drawing people to him. John wasn't going into the big stadiums in the big cities. He was out where no one went, bur they came.

I want to have an inpact on the kingsom that is even greater than that! I want my beauty to be supernatural!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Remain in the Spirit

Numbers 9:22-23 NIV

Whether the cloud stayed over the tabernacle for two days or a month or a year, the Israelites would remain in camp and not set out; but when it lifted, they would set out. At the Lord ’s command they encamped, and at the Lord ’s command they set out. They obeyed the Lord ’s order, in accordance with his command through Moses.

You see no matter how long the cloud stayed, they stayed. They were obeying in God's timing.

The Isrialites were more concerned about entertaining the Spirit of the Lord than they were about getting to where they needed to go.

Where does God have you? What circumstances are your cloud? Are you obeying in that place?

Remember God never learned it forsakes you. Maybe he is building your endurance do that you will succeed in your destiny. Maybe the testimony of what you're going through today will free someone else tomorrow.

So remain when and where God encamps you. Move when he tells you to go. That's how you remain in the presence of the Spirit.

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Declare Those Promises!

In Acts 18 God tells Paul not to worry and to keep on preaching his word because no one will be able to attack or harm him.

Previously Paul has had to leave juat about every place because the people have plotted against him.

As the story goes a group of Jews end up planning an attack on him. He is taken in to the court room and the trial begins. At this point how many of you are thinking 'wait a minute this isn't supposed to happen'? I was! I wonder what Paul was thinking, was he thinking 'Oh great, here we go again... So much for no one will attack or harm me...' Or were his thoughts more along the line of 'Seriously guys? You're wasting my time here. I've got the promise of God, the favor of the Lord!'?

Back to the story. The Jews do all of their talking and right before Paul was about to defend his case the judge tells the Jews that they're wasting his time. He tells them to work it out amongst themselves! Whoa!! Really?! Yes!! Paul didn't even have to say a word!

I think so many times in our lives we get a promise from God, even of we don't understand itat the time. Then here comes Satan, doing all he can do to make it seem like that very promise was nothing but a lie. At that point we give up. We doubt that we ever even heard from God. Then Satan wins. But I'm telling you right now, don't give up! Hold tight to that promise of God! When you're faced with that obstacle declare that promise over your life!!

I can't even count the number of times I've been in tears or angry or udderly confused and having to declare the promises anyway. It's not always easy, most of the time you're ever having to declare those promises it's because a mountain is blocking you from seeing them. Just don't give up! On the other side of that mountain is the victory God has for you!!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Mighty God of Days and Moments

24 "The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hand. 25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. 26 From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. 27 God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. 28 For in him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring'." Acts 17:24-28

There's a lot of really great things in these 4 verses, but I want us to focus on verse 26, From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.

As I was reading this is the verse that jumped out at me. God made us and everything else, he didn't stop there. His plan is so great that he has orchestrated the time in which we will live, every single minute, and the places! Look at where you are right now, God put you there! This moment you have right now, God gave you. So are you using your moments in your places to do the something that God put you there for or are you calling your own shots?

That is the main thing that slapped me inbthe face: are we calling our own shots?! How many times do we think that we're in control of our days and of our lives? Where we live, what we do and everything else in between... The truth is we're not!

We have free will, but nothing we choose suprises God. He alrwady know the mistakes we're going to make today and he has a backup plan to direct back the way we need to go. So let's stop being so selfish and realize our every breath is ordained by a mighty and holy God! Let's realize the importance of our lives to him and do as his word says (v. 27 God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.) and reach out for him!

Have a great day!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

God in a Box

I am going through the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan with a few ladies in a bible study group and oh wow! I've read this book before and I remember it blowing my mind, challenging me and ended up changing my relationship with Christ in a few areas. Here I am again, reading these God inspired words and my heart is totally and completely overwhelmed by God!

In the first chapter Francis quotes Psalms 102, "But you, O Lord, sit enthroned forever; your renown endures through all generations... But you remain the same, and your years will never end."

When I read this I couldn't help but to worship God!! Then I could hear this voice (not audibly, but like how you hear your thoughts or your conscious) say 'I am still the same. I haven't changed and never will. I am still the same God who loved you and pursued you when you were at your very worst.' At that I realized that without knowing it, I had tried to put God in this box of rules. It was like once I was saved he webt from being this God who undeniably loves me no matter what mess I make to this God who said this is what you're supposed to do now that you're a Christian. Of course that was all my doing and the funny thing is you could've asked me and I would've told you how none of that is true and God is greater than any box we could ever even imagine and all of these things. Yet subconsciously I've been living in that.

So there is my awakening moment today. I hope this helps someone out there, if not it helped me!

Have a great day!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Favor Ain't Fair

Acts 8:26-40. Philip and the Ethiopian

I LOVE this passage! The whole way through it,start to finish it is just AWESOME! There are so many things that are fabulous about this scripture and my favorite is at the end when the dude is like well why shouldn't I be baptized?! Then they get out and dunk him but when he comes up Philip disappears! Say what?! How awesome would that be to be in one place and the next minute you're in a completely different place!

This morning as I was reading this scripture something a little different jumped out at me. Like I said I love the whole passage and there have been times where my focus was on the miracle at the end and times where my focus was on the preaching in the middle, but I've never really kept the thought on the beginning more than just to recognize that Philip went as soon as God told him to. But today verse 27 was the first thing that caught my attention: so he started out, and on his way he met an Ethiopian eunuch, AN IMPORTANT OFFICIAL IN CHARGE OF ALL THE TREASURY OF CANDACE, QUEEN OF THE ETHIOPIANS.

If you know me it's things like this that I adore and that give me hope. My husband and I were just talking last night how I have always wanted to make history. When I was younger it was out of selfish reasons, but now I don't even care if my name is remembered I just want something I am a part of to make history. Example, our church's mission trip this year is with 1Nation 1 Day. The trip itself is already making history, it's the biggest mission trip ever taking over 2,000 missionaries. Recently we found out that after this trip the Honduras will actually change it's name to New Honduras! How awesome is that?! (FYI if you want to be a part of that I think there may be a fee spots open go to and look up One Nation OneDay) Anyway, back to business what stood out to me this morning was that when you obey God he gives you favor. Not only that but favor with ALL kinds of people! This guy was a very important person, it even says so right there in the verse. And God gave Philip favor with him so now his life is different and he can go back home where he has influence with the QUEEN and share what has happened! Most people won't understand it, but you know what?! FAVOR AIN'T FAIR!

Moral of story: believe and be confident in the favor that you have been given! Change your world, one step of obedience at a time!

Have a great day!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Give What You Have

So as you know I am reading in the book of Acts. This morning I started chapter 3 and the very first story is the one about the beggar at the gate called Beautiful. Now I've read this story before, multiple times, and I've heard it used in sermons, but when I read it this morning something new jumped off the pages. When Peter and John looked at the man this is what they said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk."

The words 'but what I have I give to you' jumped right off the page at me. I felt my spirit wondering am I giving what I have? You see just like Peter and John you may not have money that you can give out or use to buy people things, but you do have a smile that can brighten someones day. You do have the ability to have a good attitude and be nice to someone. You may even have a Jesus who is the conqueror and redeemer, who is the restorer and healer, who gives peace and hope, who gives joy in the midst of any circumstance. You may just have Jesus that you can give to someone.

Today's post isn't some long 12 point message with a ton of creative or profound thoughts that will blow your mind. The moral of today's post, give what you have. See if it doesn't make someone's day a little better. Hey it may even make your day better!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I started reading the book of Acts. At the end of chapter 2 we are told about the fellowship of the believers. The first thing it says in verse 42 is that they devoted themselves to... At this my mind began to wonder what would it look like if we really devoted ourselves to something? What would your life look like, how would it be different if you really devoted yourself to your family? To your work? To being nice to others? To having a good attitude? To your relationship with Jesus?

(I feel a 30 day challenge coming on!...)

I'm sure all of our lives would look a little different if we actually put time, effort and devotion into something. What is an area in your life that could use some time and attention, some devotion? It can be anything from spending more time with your family to being more healthy! Now that your thinking of it, write it down on the middle of a piece of paper. Draw a circle around it, then begin to write down the obtainable ways that you can actually do it. Write down what your overall goal would be, what would your life look like if you were completely devoted to this? Write the steps to getting there. (This is mind-mapping and it is awesome!)

Then challenge yourself over the next 30 days (today is actually the 1st day of May so you have this entire month! I didn't even plan this! Lol) to be more devoted to this area. To do something everyday to reach that goal.

Lord, I pray that you will lay something, some area on the heart of every person who reads this. I pray that we can live lives devoted. Devoted to something. That we can live lives of purpose on purpose! Help us today to live according to your will. Lord we surrender over this day to you, giving you complete control. Let your will be done. In Jesus' name, Amen!

Have a great day y'all!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Kale is like Money, or Whatever Else You Are Greedy About

As I was cutting back some of my kale this morning my brain began to do that thing where it wonders and spiderwebs itself from one thought to another. Who knows where it will end up! lol So this morning my thought is titled,

Kale is like Money, or Whatever Else You Are Greedy About

I was cutting back the kale to bag up and take to a couple of people at the office. This is a nice sized plant that grows well and my husband and I have not yet acquired the taste for it enough to be able to eat all that was there. So I thought there are probably a couple people who might enjoy having some, not to mention from what I hear it is pretty pricey at the store.

Naturally my brain begins to weave itself a pretty little web as my thoughts jump from 'I bet so & so would like this' to 'Look at some of these stems!' I couldn't help but notice how some had gotten so big that they had fallen over and onto the ground. I could see some stems that needed to be trimmed back because they were left too long from the last harvesting. These stems, now fading to a yellow color and dried out, were in the way of the new little sprouts budding through. Some pieces were smaller and hadn't been able to break out from the bigger leaves and grow to their full potential. And still some had become food for whatever bug that had decided to snack on some kale.

As I noticed all these things and then step back to look at a mostly bare kale plant now I could remember what it looked like before the 1st time wee harvested any of its leaves. It was this great big, full, green plant. Very pretty. Then when we got right down onto it we noticed how the leaves were pretty much fighting for the room. Most were dead and no longer usable and needed pulled out, others were so little and flimsy that they were just drooping right over.

So how did my brain end up on Kale is Like Money, or whatever else causes you to be greedy? Well let me tell you. I heard a voice this morning saying 'Why are you taking all of that kale to the office? Take only 1 bag and put the other 2 in the fridge at least. If not just put it all in there!' Then I started to go back and forth with this little guy. 'There's no way my husband and I would eat all of that. It would ruin and we'd have to throw it out.' And so on and so on. This happened for a moment then I remembered some things that I had heard said and that have always stuck with me. 'Money only becomes poisonous when you can't let go of it.' I remembered about the rich young ruler wanting to follow Jesus and he told him to go and give all his possessions then he can come follow him. I remember the woman and the alabaster jar, pouring out all of her best most expensive perfume on the feet of Jesus. I remember the 1st generation church, after the Day of Pentecost they all met together daily and ate with each other and were doing life together 'sharing everything'. This was so much so that a man and his wife sold their land and 'gave all the money' to the church, but because they lied and tried to deceive the Holy Spirit they literally dropped dead.

My mind was full of all of these stories when I remembered one more thing. The kale plant at the beginning, with so much of the plant dying and wasting away. I also remembered how it looked the next few days after we harvested it and cleaned it up. It was just as big and just as full, but this time it was full of new life.

At this moment I have no other option but to pose the question, What is it that you have in your life that is keeping you from new life? What is is that you are holding on to, not wanting to share, give away or let go of that is like this kale plant; struggling, withering, dying? You see we can either harvest that kale and give some away or we can let it set there and wither and rot away. Then no one gets any use of it. What is your kale plant? I challenge you today to just let go of some of it, in some form or fashion. As long as what you possess becomes a little less...

This might just be your first step to new, more abundant life just like the kale plant!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Beautiful Awakening

Beautiful Awakening

Today I was driving to my house for lunch and I couldn't help but notice how beautiful green the grass is. Here in southeastern Oklahoma we've had some stormy weather over the past few days. It's been like looking at a picture in black and white then again in color. Today I couldn't help but notice how blue the sky is, how bright and green the grass is and how the trees are filling out. The pastures had some of those weeds that have a purple bloom on them and it made the grass look like someone had painted it. It was so pretty! Mother nature is awakening and oh how beautiful it is!

I also noticed how there were remnants of dead grass from the winter. How exciting it is to see the fresh new green bursting through the old dead brown! It's the story of seasons. Of new times. Of changes. It's an awakening! While I was driving home it was almost like watching a dramatic movie. But this is one movie I've seen before... I can't help but to think of the dream and vision God has given me about an awakening in his people.

It was so exciting to see the new, green life bursting through the old, brown death because all I could see with my Spirit is God's people bursting forth with new life! I work in our youth group here at Life Church and last night we had a great turn out of people, about 25-30 more than we have been having. But the amount of students in there wasn't what moved my heart and made me get all excited. What excited me was getting to pray with some of them and knowing that God was working and moving in their lives. I know that there were people who left last night a little different than they were when they came in. I know that there were some who woke up this morning with a little more hope and have gone through their day with a little more peace. I know they were awakened last night!

Today can be the start of a new season for us too. We can encounter a God who is with us always. A God who remains God through every season of our life. We can be the green bursting forth through the brown. We can have new life bursting forth through our old life. We can change our eternity and the eternity of others right now. We must simply believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and that God raised him from the dead. All we do is ask that he comes into our hearts and awakens something inside of us. Guess what, he will! He is waiting for you!

If you already know Jesus as your savior and yet you've been the dead grass taking up space, now is the time to allow God to put some green in your life! It's not always easy for the new sprouts to burst through, but it is always beautiful!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Thursday, March 14, 2013

An Open Book

Today you are getting a look inside my prayer journal.... An Open Book
I find myself just so full of questions and wonder. God has been showing me a side of him that I've never seen like this. He has been showing me grace and love and giving. This isn't a new character of God, this isn't even a character that I was unaware of. It is simply a new depth.

It seems as though I cannot get enough of God. I cannot understand enough of his grace and his love. The legalistic side of things I can understand. My brain can comprehend do this and don't do that. I would never ever be able to live according to the law in such strictness and harshness. No one could that is why Jesus came, but I could understand it. What my brain cannot process fully is grace or love. Not grace and love as we know it, not how we use and feel toward others, but GOD'S GRACE, GOD'S LOVE.

I am at a point in my faith and my relationship with God, my faith, that I know and am at peace with the fact that I will never ever fully understand these things. That is what faith is, the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen. (Hebrews 11:1 NKJ) Side note: substance is defined as the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists and which has a tangible, solid presence. Evidence is defined as the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. Just so everyone can understand this, you have something that you only hoped for and there are facts for things that you cannot see! This is faith. This is why it is so hard to answer the questions about faith that are "well if this happened then what about that?" or "If they do this then they should get that in return..." Faith doesn't work like that. It is like the wind, you can feel it and see the effects of it (swaying trees, tumbling leaves, ripples on the water) but you cannot see the wind itself.

So my heart cries out because I want to be better at living in that balance of the higher calling of living Holy and the grace of knowing I will never be able to fully live a Holy life. My heart also cries for those who are far away, who don't know God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. For those who do not have a relationship with God, who simply try to live under the law and follow all of the rules but inside their heart is cold and calloused. My heart aches for those who use God's grace as an excuse to do whatever they want whenever they want simply saying "I don't feel convicted of this or about that." or well all I have to do is ask God to forgive me."

God I just pray right now that your spirit will be accepted by people all around the world. People right here in my hometown in southeastern Oklahoma, by the family members I have. I pray this over every portion and spec of your earth. You have already poured out your spirit, and made the Holy Spirit available to us. I simply pray an acceptance of your gift! I pray that your passion and love will consume people and we will see an awakening of your children. Your children rising up to follow after the dreams and visions you have placed in them and called them to! I pray for your anointing! God use us! Use me!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Monday, March 11, 2013

Awakening/An Open Book: Let's Make History!

It is so hard to put into words what all is going on inside of me. God is stirring up something that is so excellent and out of the norm in people in this area for people in this area!

I live in a very divided area. My community struggles when it comes to uniting for something. There have been times of tragedy that my community has faced and the people have come together, but that's it. It is only when tragedy strikes and even though I am thankful that in that moment we do pull together, it is so frustrating that it takes something that bad to bring us together.

Do you remember the new thing scripture from the post Awakening: Something new!? Well, it's starting! God has already began to set it into motion. Here is this area he has brought people from all over to move and live here and he has started stirring up things in people who are natives to this area. It is all about a sense of community and unity! Giving back and pouring into our community! Being givers and servants, not consumers! This is only the beginning. There are people expressing their dreams and visions to see these types of changes in our community. Now we get to start looking for the how's, how will we achieve these goals, how can we make this happen...

I don't know what the New Thing looks like for where you are. Each part of the globe is different from each other, just as each part of the body of Christ is different. But today I want you to be encouraged. If God is stirring up something inside of you to do or say or anything, DO IT!! Recently I heard a pastor speak and he said this, "If the dream does't make sense, it just might make history!"

So let's make history!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Genie In A Bottle

Currently I am reading the book of Exodus, and have been in the story of Moses and all of the plagues on Egypt. Chapter 9 verses 27 -30 & 34 - 35 just rung in my heart.

27 Then Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron. “This time I have sinned,” he said to them. “TheLord is in the right, and I and my people are in the wrong. 28 Pray to the Lord, for we have had enough thunder and hail. I will let you go; you don’t have to stay any longer.”
29 Moses replied, “When I have gone out of the city, I will spread out my hands in prayer to theLord. The thunder will stop and there will be no more hail, so you may know that the earth is theLord’s. 30 But I know that you and your officials still do not fear the Lord God.”...

34 When Pharaoh saw that the rain and hail and thunder had stopped, he sinned again: He and his officials hardened their hearts. 35 So Pharaoh’s heart was hard and he would not let the Israelites go, just as the Lord had said through Moses.

You see all I could think about was how when we're going through something and our lives are a mess we tend to cry out to God. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. God wants us to cry out to him. It's the second part of this scripture that rings so loudly. After Pharaoh saw that the rain and hail had stopped, then hardened his hearts again.

How many times have we been going through something in our lives and we desperately want God to step in and intervene and clean everything up. He does, then we take back control. We only want to surrender our mess to him, not our entire lives. This whole mindset of God as our own personal genie in a bottle is so upsetting.

Have you ever had a friend or knew someone who was bad about using people? Maybe they used you to help them out of a situation or circumstance and just as soon as everything was all better they bolted. You probably won't hear from them again until there is another problem. How does that make you feel? Used. Worthless. Unimportant. That is the same thing that we do to God so many times.

Thankfully enough our God is a God of grace, love and forgiveness. He holds no grudge against us and only wants the best for us. So if you can relate to Pharaoh and you know you haven't completely surrendered over your life into the hands of the one who created it, there is no better time than right now to do so!

All you have to do is talk to him. He knows your heart. Be encouraged! Be set free! Be awakended into your destiny!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Awakening: An Open Book - Unify!

You know, I am not "educated" in theology or anything like that. I do not even have a college degree. What I do have is a personal relationship with my Father, Savior and Comforter. I gain the majority of my knowledge from the Bible, the book that is alive and active and speaks to me.

One thing that I have seen and heard over the past several years of being in church is the great dispute between discipling and saving all people. My question is why on earth is there even a dispute between them?! Both are biblical. What I've seen are the 2 types of people, the 2 different callings and passions. There are those who are called to go out and to speak to whoever they can wherever they can and the goal is to bring forth an encounter with Jesus Christ and in that reap a soul into the kingdom of God. Then there are those whose purpose is to take those who have encountered Christ and teach them how to grow and mature spiritually. Both of these types of people are right! Neither is wrong! Jesus came to seek and saved the lost. He also commanded us to go make disciples in all nations, meaning of all people.

What I am getting frustrated with is the competition or "I'm right and you're wrong" bickering that is going on between the 2 groups of people. If you are called to teach are you telling those who are called to sing that they're wrong?... NO! We are the body of Christ. 1 body, many parts. That's it. God created us all specifically to have different callings.

So why don't we please get over ourselves and our pride and stop worrying about someone else's calling and worry about our own? If we can do that then we can glorify God in the calling that he has placed on our own lives. If you are called to speak to thousands in order to seek and saved the lost than do that with all that is in you!!! If you are called to disciple and teach a smaller group, than do that with all that you are!!! Quit fussing at each other and bringing division into the body of Christ!

God is calling each and every single one of us to awaken into our destinies. He wants us to rise up and move! Move in what you've been given. Move toward his goal of reaching and loving all people. Do it in the manner that he has called you to! Let's unify together under Christ and really make an impact!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Awakening to Grace

Awakening: An Open Book 

I have recently been reading in Genesis. Over the past couple of days I have read Jacob's story. In this I have realized that God's grace is shown even in the old testament. 

I am a new testament girl, Jesus says do this, don't do this, show love, serve others, etc. The old testament is hard for me because it's just stories. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, it's just more difficult for my comprehension. But God has used Jacob's story to show me a new realization of something I already knew.

Don't you just live when that happens?! It's like a bookshelf. The shelf is the foundation and what holds the things. Overtime if we don't take everything piled up on the shelf and wipe it off, dust can settle and we can forget what the shelf looks like, it's true color. God does this to me all the time. He takes off all of the other beliefs and ideas I've piled on top of my foundation and gets all the dust off so I'm reminded of the real color of the fundamental truth.

I was saved only by God's grace through his son Jesus Christ. So that fundamental truth of grace and it's awesomeness is inside of me. A part of my personality that has existed for as long as I have has been my very black & white, right & wrong understanding. Even though I received grace, I hadn't ever fully understood it. I still don't think anyone can fully understand grace. But one area that I have struggled in is viewing actions and wondering why God doesn't react in a certain way. Reading all of the mess-up's and mishaps of Jacob I began to question and ask God why he still blessed him and why Jacob was still prosperous. I just could not understand.

Through all of that and some situations and circumstances in my life God began to show me that his grace is bigger than any sin we can ever commit. That he will continue to pour out his grace on everyone so that those who don't know him will know him and those who do will be taken care of. We are all his children that he loves so dearly. Yes God does HATE sin and we get punished for our mistakes, but the punishment does not equal the end of our lives or the end of God's love for us. Grace, it's our second chance, our third chance, our ga-zillionth chance.

If you are struggling in accepting God's grace today, then please let this be a reminder of the true meaning of grace, LOVE. Let us all be awakened in our souls of how much we are loved and looked after. Let us accept this grace and go forward with our lives and our hearts seeking after God and all his desires!

Have a great day!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How Long Will You Work for What God Has Promised?!

One of my goals is to read the Bible in a year. In doing this I am Genesis. Today I read the stories of Jacob and how he built his family. [Chapters 28-31] I remember the last time I read those stories and thinking his father-in-law cheated him multiple times! This time it was something else that stuck out to me.

In verse 41 of chapter 31 Jacob says "It was like this for the twenty years I was in your household. I worked for you fourteen years for your daughters and six years for your flocks, and you changed my wages ten times." If you just rake that as face value then all that stands out is dude got his wages changed a lot.

Don't forget what God sent him there for, to get a wife. All Jacob was supposed to go do was get a wife and bring her back to the place of his father. In his mind I'm.sure he's thinking like a week or 2 weeks tops! Instead he ended up raising his family there.

I wonder how many of us have been in a place, are in a place or is about to be in a place like that. A place where God says go here and do this and we are picturing it taking "X" amount of time, when really the place God is sending us to will take 20 years of hard work...

You see Jacob didn't just go and hang out for 20 years, he worked his tail end off! And was cheated multiple times out of what he was told he was going to receive. You know he had to have thought more than once 'what have I gotten myself in to?!' But he kept on, there is no record of him getting upset with God because it was taking too long or he was being cheated. He just kept on working and God gave to him what was his.

Are you in that place right now?! You're in that place of obeying God and listening to his commands, staying strong and enduring. Doing it all because of a promise he gave to you once. That promise might have been given a few months ago or a year. Maybe even 20 + years ago. How long will you wait for God? Will you choose to endure until the end?! Remember the promise! Genesis 28:15 God promises Jacob, and you and I, "I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."

Abide in that today!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Monday, February 11, 2013

Stand Firm!

Check out this song! And this one!!

I just want to take this time to encourage every body who is going through a storm or facing some sort of difficult time right now. Stay strong! Stand firm!

God has the victory for you! Sometimes the most beautiful sunrises come after the darkest night! If you're in a shadow, know it's because there is light on the other side. No matter how hard or how long it is in that place, there is a victory for you! Just keep holding on, Stand Firm! Don't give up!

Below is a list of scripture to keep in mind!

Exodus 14:13 Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance theLord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.

2 Chronicles 20:17 You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.’”

Psalms 40:2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.

Proverbs 10:25 When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.

Mark 13:13 Everyone will hate you because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.

Luke 21:19 Stand firm, and you will win life.

1 Corinthians 16:13 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.

Philippians 1:27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel

James 5:8 You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.

I hope you feel encouraged! Your mind will be the biggest part of the battle. You have been given control over it. You get to decide what you will think. So think and focus on the promises of God, not the appearance of circumstances!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Thursday, February 7, 2013

An Open Book

One thing I have never been good at is painting a pretty portrait and letting everyone believe that is the real picture. Growing up this got me in trouble with my parents. I guess I have always been a very very open person. An open book if you will.

So here I am. I want to be able to share the struggles or successes I have. If anything that I go through, good or bad, can help someone else then why not?

If you have been keeping up with my posts you know that I am newly married and expecting a son! This is our second year of marriage and we are by no means experts. This is also our first child and neither of us have ever been parents, so we definitely don't have all of the answers for parenting!

Before I was married I was an intern turned into an employee at my local church. All of my identity was found in God and Life Church. All I did was study the Word and spend time with God, weather I was serving in an area of the church or if I was study the word! So that was all my days consisted of.

Then I got married and we bought a home and now we're expecting a son. With that comes growing a relationship with your spouse, keeping your home clean and preparing for your child. All of these things take time out of your day. None of them are bad things, but it has been very difficult for me to find the balance in putting effort into those things and still putting time into my relationship with God. It's been trial and error, so far more error than success.

Recently I texted my pastor/ brother-in-law questioning how to figure out a balance in all of this. I wanted the response to consist of a minute by minute break down of a typical day and how much time I should put into this task or that one in order to have the most time with God, in prayer and studying the word. This was not what I got back.

Through those types of talks with people I respect I have come to the realization that I cannot compare my life now to my life then. My identity is not only who I am in Christ now, my identity is also Zack's wife and soon our son's mother. My life has changed a lot. In this my daily routines and schedules will change. But I serve a God who is with me at all times. I serve a God who I can constantly pray to. My spirit calls out to his. Serving him does not only consist of things I do in the church, but also submitting to my husband and being his helper. I serve God when I take care of my home and my family.

So if you are going through a change in your life, don't feel bad or condemned if you can't spend 3 hours a day in the word or prayer anymore. Know that our worship to God is also taking care of the things he has given us and doing our tasks with an attitude of worship!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Awakening - What Can We Do?!

Awakening - What Can We Do?!

As I was getting ready the other day my brain was thinking about all that the upcoming days would hold. One of which was a meeting between multiple churches. So my brain began to spiderweb itself into thought about all of the churches we have locally. With those thoughts also came the reminders of how divided our community is because of the how the churches differ in some doctrinal beliefs. I did not go to Bible College. I have never studied theology or the doctrines of specific churches. You would be right in saying that I am uneducated in these fields. I will not deny that.

The book I have studied is the Bible. I have yet to read it through, front to back or cover to cover. Over the past 4 years of my salvation I have studied the word of God and the teachings of Jesus. I do have a close personal relationship with my Savior, my God and the Holy Spirit. I am confident in that. Even though I, nor anyone else, do not and will never be able to understand and comprehend fully all there is to know about God or have all of the answers, I know the character of my God.

Because of this I know that I can stand today on my belief that doctrines and fundamental beliefs are good, they are not the answer to who will or will not go to heaven. Doctrines came about because different people believed a little differently than some others. There is not one person on this planet who can answer for God and say that person is going to heaven or hell. We have never been given that place to judge. We will never be given that. You see God looks at our hearts. He knows who he does and does not have a relationship with.

We, as the body of Christ have got to be unified together. We have to put away our differences and decide to come together and stand on the fact that we know and believe that Jesus is the son of God who came to the earth as man and lived a sinless life. That he was beaten and died to carry the weight of our sins and over come death and hell to be resurrected into heaven again with God. All of this so that we can be saved and live under the grace of God.

Psalms 133
How good and pleasant it is
when God’s people live together in unity!

It is like precious oil poured on the head,
running down on the beard,
running down on Aaron’s beard,
down on the collar of his robe.
It is as if the dew of Hermon
were falling on Mount Zion.
For there the Lord bestows his blessing,
even life forevermore.

This scripture says it all. How pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity! It is THERE (in unity) that the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore! We have to decide if we are going to be a part of this New Thing that God is doing by putting aside our differences and making the choice to live in unity. Unity is defined as the state of being united or joined as a whole; harmony or agreement between people or groups. This doesn't say that unity is just putting up with one another. Just in my little town in Southeastern Oklahoma God has been and continues to create these divine appointments that can play a role in creating unity. 

So what will you choose? Will you sit back and continue to stand on your disagreements and watch as God begins this new revolution? Or will you decide to do as God's word commands and make a conscious choice to live in unity with others and be a part of the Awakening?! The choice is yours!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

TheChallenge pt. 2

Do you remember my post at the beginning of the year titled "The Challenge"? Well here is an update. Doing something for 30 or 60 days straight is hard! I have not yet succeeded.

We are creatures of habit, good ones and bad ones. We are also people who fill our days. So no matter what it is filled with (sleep, tv, work, etc.) those things are our habits. In order to add a new one we must subtract from an old one. That is where we find most of the trouble.

So if you have been attempting a challenge I want to encourage you to not give up! Also a 30 day challenge does not have to start on the 1st of a month, it can start today. Don't give up! Keep trying! The bible says a righteous man will fall seven times and still get back up.

Good luck!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Friday, January 11, 2013

A Little Story for You

Recently a conversation about God and church arose between me and another person. They quickly began to quiz me asking why it is okay to go see a movie if there is a scene with some nudity or a couple of cuss words when pornography and cussing is wrong. This conversation snowballed. Every answer I had they picked away to try to find a fault in it. Every example I gave they shot one right back except more extreme and wanted to know the difference.

When one question was posed and the only answer I had was that we don't have the qualifications or the ability, much less the place to say if someone will go to heaven or hell. That was not good enough for them. It was this very black or white thing to them based upon your actions.

I became frustrated and upset. I didn't have the answers for them. What answers I did have they picked away and found fault in. I felt very frustrated because I know in my depth what I believe is not faulty, but I could not find the words to show them. Then I became upset thinking about how I just messed that conversation up. I couldn't show them or tell them what I know.

I spent the next little bit thinking about this. Every detail of it and asking God questions. I desperately wanted to be able to explain all of this. I relaized that there is a LOT I do not know. I also realized that this person was basing my faith and relationship with God off of acts by humans.

It's not about what you can and can't do. If that is the concern or the focus then you won't find the answer. Christianity isn't about a list of rules, do this and don't do that. Christianity is about a relationship, not a religion.

When you meet someone you don't start the conversation off by telling them that you'll be their friend and they can be yours but here is a list of things you can do and a list of things you can't do. It is the same with God. He is not asking you to do all of these things or quit doing those things before he will be your friend.

God simply wants you to ask him to be your friend, your savior, your father. Your God.

Yes in a relationship with God you will soon find there are things that you don't do anymore. You will also find that there are things that you will start doing. This is not because someone is forcing you. It is because there is a part of you that doesn't want to do those things or that wants you to do them. All of that will come in time and won't be forced on you by any person.

All God asks is that you would accept him, his son and his spirit. He wants you to gibe up your entire life to him so that he can make it better! You do that by simply saying, 'God I need your help. I give you control of my life. I believe that you are God and sent your son to die for me. I believe that you raised him from the dead and that he know lives in me.'

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Driving Without Any Lights

Have you ever been driving at a time of day where it's not really dark outside but not really bright out either? The past couple of days have been like that around here because it has been rainy and dreary outside. During this time I have noticed that 99.999% of the people have their lights on, but there is always that .001% that doesn't. So I began to wonder why don't you have your lights on?

Why Are You Driving Without Any Lights?

I began to think about this. There had to be some sort of explanation! I began to ask the questions, Did you forget? Are you completely unaware? and Are they broke? If you are anything like me then your mind spiderwebs from one thing to another based on even the smallest of similarities or associations. Although, this time my thought spider webbed themselves into asking further questions.

Did You Forget?

Did you simply forget to turn them on? Were you too busy rushing around to remember to turn on you lights? Or is it that you can see fine, so you didn't think to turn them on or didn't think it was necessary?

Are You Completely Unaware?

Do you even know that you are driving around without your lights on? Did you think they were the automatic ones that came on when you started your vehicle? 

Are They Broke?

If your lights are broke then how did they get that way? What happened to them?

Life Happens. So many times this is the answer to the What happened? question. When you go through life just driving along trying to not speed or hit anyone you may get stuck behind a big dump truck that's full of stuff. When out of no where they hit that pot hole in the road and out from their truck flies some rocks. They bounce off the road and hit the front of your car. They scratch the paint, maybe chip a window but they completely bust out your headlights! You weren't necessarily doing anything wrong, life just happened. Now your lights are broke.

They could even have just gone out. Maybe it was bad wiring or maybe something was knocked loose. Nonetheless, they're out.

Maybe you're driving around without your lights spiritually. The same questions apply. We can become so busy that we forget to turn on our lights spiritually. We get so busy rushing around with our crazy schedules that we forget to take the time and praise God for the day. We forget to ask him to forgive our sins and show us how to be better. We forget to stop, breathe, and focus on God. We forget to ask him to take control of this day and recommit to live for him this day.

We can even think that we don't need our lights on because we can see fine. The problem here is that there are more people on the road beside us. I remember when I was young and this circumstance arose my dad would always get frustrated and mumble under his breath how they have a dark car and you can't see them coming. If we are driving that car without our lights on then others can't see us. As Christians we are to shine our lights not so we can see, but so that all the world can see. Making sure we turn on our lights isn't just for our benefit, it is for the benefit of those around us also.

We can even be completely unaware that our spiritual lights aren't on. You see we drive the vehicle with the automatic lights. As soon as we start our car they come on. So we go to church once, maybe twice a week. We are all fueled up and ready to hit the road! Right? Wrong. I recently listened to an interview with John Maxwell and he said that the only thing that is automatic in life is death. So logically that would mean that turning our lights on spiritually is not automatic. We must intentionally take the time and turn them on every time we hit the road. (Every time we wake up)

Our unawareness could also mean that no one has ever told us we must turn on the lights. Have you ever been told about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit? Has anyone ever told you that there is a God who created this whole world and everything in it, then gave it all over to us? Have you been told that we biologically want to sin, that the skin we are living in desires to sin? But did they tell you how God can't look at us when we sin so he sent his son, his only son, from heaven to earth to be born in human flesh and to live a sinless life so that in the end he would be beaten and put to death brutally carrying the weight of EVERY PERSON'S SIN? That includes you and I. Did you know that all of that happened so now you can go through Jesus to receive the forgiveness from God?

Maybe you did know this. Maybe your lights just got broke while going through life. Whatever has happened, whether someone busted out your lights or your they went out over time, be encouraged right now in knowing that they can be fixed!

If you are one who has never heard about God, or maybe you need to be reminded, you can do that right where you are at this moment. Romans 10:9 says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead then you will be saved!

Do you know all of this but have just been too busy or didn't know that you needed your spiritual lights on for others to see? You have the opportunity right now, wherever you are to stop, focus and talk to God. Do you need your broken lights fixed? Call upon his name. He is the healer! Do you need to re-prioritize? God says that if you put him first then everything else will fall into place! If you just need to take that step of maturity in your walk with him and start shining your lights for others then he can help. Ask for guidance!

I pray that every person who reads this is encouraged, empowered and awakened!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I just want to take this post today to simple encourage you. You may be in the middle of a struggle that there seems to be no end or answer to. But remember this, in all we know that we are more than conquerors!

As long as God is in control you have the victory. Just as God allowed Satan to test Job, he may be allowing you to face something. So stand firm in knowing there IS a reason, even if we are unaware or don't understand!

KNOW who you are.
KNOW who you serve.

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Challenge

As most of you know I work with youth. In our youth group we are setting a Challenge in front of them to do something everyday for 60 days.

It is said that 21 days is the length of time it takes to create a habit, but how many of us have done something fro 21 or 30 days and fell right back out of that habit? So we have extended this a little further to make it more of a challenge, but also more of a change.

We also ask that they choose something that will be difficult for them. A challenge is just that, challenging. Some of things are to take a picture everyday, don't eat any sugar, be kind to someone, exercise, read, have a daily quiet time.

I watched a Joyce Meyer recording today and she was interviewing John Maxwell about his book The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth: Live Them and Reach Your Potential. In this he spoke about no matter what or how you choose to grow, it must be something that is done daily and it must be intentional. So I want to extend this challenge to you!

I CHALLENGE you to do something daily for 60 days. This something can be fun, productive, spiritual, anything as long as it betters your day!

I have decided upon mine, and feel free to be in prayer with me about it. At the end of the 60 days I will let you know what it was and how I did. If you have decided to accept the challenge then feel free to comment and share what you will attempt to do or not do!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Saturday, January 5, 2013

God Has Not Left!

So I have decided to take on reading the Bible in a year. I have never read all of the Bible so I thought this would be a good way to do so. I also decided to read it in Chronological order instead of straight through, front to back. Today I started on the book of Job, I have read this one before. As I started into this book I felt God give me this epiphany. It was like there were puzzle pieces I already had,God just showed me how to put them together!

Incase you don't know the story of Job let me some it up for you. Job is this righteous, blamesless man who loves God. One day Satan goes strolling up to God and God is like where have you been? Satan says oh you know roaming the earth doin' what I do. Then God shows him Job and says you're not good enough to have him, he loves me. So verse 9 Satan starts in...

Job1:9-12 - 9 “Does Job fear God for nothing?” Satan replied. 10 “Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. 11 But now stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face.”

12 The Lord said to Satan, “Very well, then, everything he has is in your power, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.”
Then Satan went out from the presence of the Lord.

After that the book goes on and tells the story of all that Satan put him through and his response to it all. In the end Job remains faithful to God and gets back even more than he lost!

As I read verse 9 - 11 God showed me how all the pieces of that puzzle fit together. We have been given the Bible, the active and living word of God as the guide to our life. It contains every example we need for every issue we have.

But have you ever felt like ALL of life's issues came down on you one right after the other? Well our example in these times is Job! Most of us will not have to face what Job faced, but we can look at his responses to even the most tragic situations. When you are in the middle of whatever storm and it feels like God has completely forgotten you, remember to remain firm in your faith! Keep on loving God and praising him. Because in the end you will end up getting back much more than you lost!

I can testify to God's faithfulness. I can tell you this as my family faces trials right now. We have a hope that is far greater than any situation or circumstance. Our Father's light can out shine even the darkest of darks! If you are a Christian, stand firm in that! If you aren't, you can be! You can have this hope. This victory! All you have to do is believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord and confess with your mouth that God raised him from the dead! Then you will be saved! (Romans 10:9)

Have a great weekend, knowing that there is a plan for you!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Light

Have you ever been in total darkness? The kind of dark where you can't even see your hand in front of your face much less anything else.

Well this last week I experienced this type of dark. I had scratched my eye and had to patch it up. While this is not a life threatening event by any means I felt God speak to me through this. My other eye quickly grew tired of trying to see everything and do all of the work on its own. I would do the dishes, but by the end my hurt eye was hurting even more and the other eye was aching as well. For a part of your body so small, it sure is important. That is a whole different sermon in itself!

I remember laying on the couch frustrated and tired. Then I remembered all of the scripture about light.

John 8:12 - When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Genesis 1:4 - God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.
Even in the very beginning when God created light he saw that it was good. Then he seperated it from the darkness. So we know right there first hand that we are to be separate from darkness. 2 Corinthians shows us this in chapter 6 verse 14, Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

Psalm 119:105 - Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Psalm 27:1 - The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?
If you are in that place of darkness right now you can get out! 2 Samuel 22:29 says "You, Lord, are my lamp; the Lord turns my darkness into light." Look back to John 8:12 that says when Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” You can be free from the darkness! God want to light up your path (Psalm 119:105) and set you on a stand to shine to the world! All you have to do is choose. Romans 10:9 says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead then you will be saved!

There is no "right" prayer you have to pray or use the "right" words, feel it in your heart. Then talk to God!

Maybe you are a Christian, but you have let your light dim. Refresh that right now! God says to fan into flame our salvation (2 Timothy 1:6 - For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.)! It takes work and effort on our part, but we can be a light that shines through any darkness, no matter how dark it gets! Get back to that place with God, that secret place. The place where only the 2 of you go. Get there! Be filled again!

Matthew 5:14-16 - 14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford