I started reading the book of Acts. At the end of chapter 2 we are told about the fellowship of the believers. The first thing it says in verse 42 is that they devoted themselves to... At this my mind began to wonder what would it look like if we really devoted ourselves to something? What would your life look like, how would it be different if you really devoted yourself to your family? To your work? To being nice to others? To having a good attitude? To your relationship with Jesus?
(I feel a 30 day challenge coming on!...)
I'm sure all of our lives would look a little different if we actually put time, effort and devotion into something. What is an area in your life that could use some time and attention, some devotion? It can be anything from spending more time with your family to being more healthy! Now that your thinking of it, write it down on the middle of a piece of paper. Draw a circle around it, then begin to write down the obtainable ways that you can actually do it. Write down what your overall goal would be, what would your life look like if you were completely devoted to this? Write the steps to getting there. (This is mind-mapping and it is awesome!)
Then challenge yourself over the next 30 days (today is actually the 1st day of May so you have this entire month! I didn't even plan this! Lol) to be more devoted to this area. To do something everyday to reach that goal.
Lord, I pray that you will lay something, some area on the heart of every person who reads this. I pray that we can live lives devoted. Devoted to something. That we can live lives of purpose on purpose! Help us today to live according to your will. Lord we surrender over this day to you, giving you complete control. Let your will be done. In Jesus' name, Amen!
Have a great day y'all!
~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford
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