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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Challenge

As most of you know I work with youth. In our youth group we are setting a Challenge in front of them to do something everyday for 60 days.

It is said that 21 days is the length of time it takes to create a habit, but how many of us have done something fro 21 or 30 days and fell right back out of that habit? So we have extended this a little further to make it more of a challenge, but also more of a change.

We also ask that they choose something that will be difficult for them. A challenge is just that, challenging. Some of things are to take a picture everyday, don't eat any sugar, be kind to someone, exercise, read, have a daily quiet time.

I watched a Joyce Meyer recording today and she was interviewing John Maxwell about his book The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth: Live Them and Reach Your Potential. In this he spoke about no matter what or how you choose to grow, it must be something that is done daily and it must be intentional. So I want to extend this challenge to you!

I CHALLENGE you to do something daily for 60 days. This something can be fun, productive, spiritual, anything as long as it betters your day!

I have decided upon mine, and feel free to be in prayer with me about it. At the end of the 60 days I will let you know what it was and how I did. If you have decided to accept the challenge then feel free to comment and share what you will attempt to do or not do!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

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