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Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Thought from My Heart

I never expected that my life would end up the way it has, and it's not even close to being over! I remember the night I felt God calling me into the ministry. I remembered part of me thought I was loosing my mind! Funny enough, you have to be pretty crazy to go into the ministry! Although, it is the best crazy any person could ever be.

I never would have imagined the obstacles I have faced, I'm only 21 and have been in for 4 years in February. I can look back and see how I have been attacked in various ways, but I can also see where God has protected and provided for me! The crazy thing is that most of the blessings and provisions from God haven't been from a crazy, awesome, extravagant miracle. They have been consistent little provisions. I swear he has taken my family's finances and is multiplying it like he did the bread and fish. That does not mean that we are wealthy, but every surprise bill we get we are able to pay and not be broke. We aren't having to struggle to live from paycheck to paycheck. This is the example I use because at this time it is the most prominent. We are in the middle of trying to buy a house and pay for a baby. God doesn't show up with great big flashing signs or a big check from publishers clearing house (or whatever that's called). Remember the whisper in the wind?...

1 Kings 19:11-13
11 The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.”
Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 13 When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.
Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?

This post is not about me or for anyone to say how good or _________ (fill in the blank) I am. I want to take a moment and recognize how glorious God is! It's just that the best examples I have are ones from my very own life. I was in all reality a no body, and guess what?! I am still a no body, but I have the best some body living inside of me!!

Psychology has always interested me, and what I have noticed is that a depressed or anxious person can be helped, but my word it is so much greater is they have hope! This year there was an instance in which a school lost a student so my youth pastor and I went and visited. The first girl we spoke to reminded me so much of how I used to be! The only answer I have for situations is God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit! It breaks my heart to think about all of the people trying to survive life without hope. It seems pointless, sadly enough those people think so too. Way too often someone gets too tired of it, too hopeless and acts upon those emotions.

Please hear this, if you do not know the hope and love I am speaking of, you can! It can change your life! Don't think that you have to get things right before you can have it, because Jesus just wants you to come to him the way you are! Yes, there will be changes that will take place in your life, but they will never and should never be thrusted upon you by other people. God wants a personal relationship with you, just as you are now. Whatever and whenever changes come, you will be glad to make them. Romans 10:9 says that if you believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, and confess with your mouth that God raised him from the dead then you will be saved! Now, don't think this is a quick fix to any problem you might have. Go back to the beginning of this blog and re-read how I said there are things that we will go through. Also remember how you now have the most supreme being fighting for you. The victory is already won!

If you ARE A CHRISTIAN here this, you have a responsibility too. We are to be examples of our Savior. He keeps no records of wrongs, nor is he jealous. He is love. We are to be EVERYONE, from our closest of friend to the stranger in the store. God is wanting to awaken his children to see the world as he sees it, to love people as he loves them. We have no excuses. Too often I hear the ole "we have a sinful nature" thing. Yes we do, but we also have a Christ who died and was resurrected to Give us his righteousness to live with NO EXCUSES!! Read Colossians 2:9-12.

We all have to ask ourselves if we are willing to live like that... if not, well that is so sad! Go read one of very first posts titled Why Awakening?!. Will you be willing to step out on absolutely nothing, and allow God to provide the something that is needed? Do you have the hope in God to believe even in total darkness?!

~Awaken Us~
Brenna Stanford

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