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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

There is a Motive Behind Every Action

Two people can do the exact same act, and in that one person can be completely selfish while the other can be so loving and generous.




The "Why".

This is one of the biggest lessons that Jesus taught, it's not so much about the actions but it is about the heart behind the actions. In biblical times the believers had a lot of rules that they had to follow. Before Jesus died for our sins, believers had to make sacrifices and atonements for their sins. That meant that they also had to be very cautious of what they were doing on a daily basis. Then Jesus came on the scene and blew their minds by saying things like, "you've been taught not to murder, well you should not even be angry at someone." (Matthew 5:21-22)

One of his teachings was about eating meat that had been sacrificed to idols. Jesus taught that it was okay for a christian to eat the meat because it was just meat that God had made, the fact that it was sacrificed to an idol (something that isn't even real) didn't matter much to a believer. The believer is to thank God for that meat like he would any other meat. BUT Jesus did warn to not do so in the presence of someone who is not a believer, because to that person that meat had been sacrificed to an idol that they believe to be real and would cause them to question God. (1 Corinthians 8:3-5)

You can see from just those two teachings that God is concerned about our heart and our concern for others. You and I can do the exact same thing, and you are acting out of a pure heart and concern for others and I can be acting completely selfish.

We are currently doing some small remodels to our home, but how many of you know that no matter how small of a remodel it is work that takes time and makes areas of your home some what unlivable. Last night, after my boys were in bed, I was sitting in my new chair taking a moment to be still. I was soaking up this beautiful new paint color and imagining the finished product. My heart was smiling. I had also grabbed a Bible off of the shelf to break in my reading chair by reading the word. The story I was reading was about the farmer who hired men to work his vineyard. When it came time to collect the profits the workers beat and killed the men who were sent, even the son. The workers did all of this out of greed. The Message Bible words things a little differently, in verses 38-39 it says, "Let's kill him and have it all for ourselves!"

God stirred in my spirit the question of why, why were we remodeling? This could very well be an act that is completely selfish, for my own comfort or my own pride. God kept stirring my heart, taking me to a place of truth and peace within myself. Yes, I will have pride in our "new home" and it will definitely be more comfortable, but that's the tip of the iceberg. On a normal month, there are at least two weekends that mom's bring their kids out to our home. The kids go play and us moms sit in the living room and talk. We talk life, the good and the bad, our conversations always lead to the Lord and often times prayer. It is important to make things comfortable for people.

I'm sure that you have been to someone's house where you can't even be comfortable because you're so worried about breaking something or spilling your drink. You might have even been to a home that is a pig stye and the whole time you are there you are worried that you are going to leave there with lice or fleas. At both of those places you cannot relax, and you probably will have a hard time receiving anything. 

Another instance for our home is the condition of our furniture. It was not disgusting, but it was old. Couches will "sink in" after a time period. These were ones that the cushion was sewn in to so we couldn't take them off and add some plywood to help support the seats. We have family members who are elderly and have issues with their back, hips, knees and things like that. They could not sit on our furniture because it would cause them pain. It was time for an update. 

So, remodeling in and of itself is not a bad thing, but depending on the motive behind the action it can be very selfish or very giving. It is the same with everything we do, scripture says that in everything we should do it as worship to the Lord. (Colossians 3:23) So in every moment and in every action, we are challenged to reflect on our heart and be loving and genuine. 

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
- Matthew 22:36 - 40

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